Maro Siranosian

Name: Maro Siranosian
Hometown: Whittier, California
Age: 22
Duration of Service: Oct - Dec 2006
Volunteer Worksite: Counterpart International
I am currently interning at Counterpart International, specifically with the Civic Advocacy Support Program (CASP). My tasks include editing text, creating presentations, and writing success stories about NGOs which receive grants through CASP. Recently, I was given the opportunity to go to Goris, in the Syunik Marz, and interview seven NGOs in the surrounding regions. The experience was truly rewarding, not only was I able to visit different cities in southern Armenia (Kapan, Sisian, Vayk, Yeghegnadzor, & Goris) and interview different NGOs, I also got an opportunity to get a sense of how the NGO sector in Armenia works in general. On one occassion, I was even invited to sit in on a meeting between an NGO advocacy specialist and the Mayor of Syunik. It was interesting to experience, first-hand, the interaction between the two, and be present as important decisions regarding the Syunik Marz were being made.
My time in Armenia is quickly coming to an end and I have only recently realized how short two months can feel! I have three weeks left in Armenia, and I intend to take advantage of every moment and hopefully return very soon.