Time to come out – or why this blonde actually came to Hayastan and how it was
Zofia Baldyga
How did I decide to
come to Armenia for two months? I probably should try to answer to this
question one more time. As I did every single day of my stay. Firstly I was surprised that everyone asks. I knew that I was one of the blondest AVC
volunteers, probably with the bluest eyes. The first one from Poland in the
history of the program. But anyways, this is what international volunteerism is
supposed to be about, right? Packing and going somewhere far away, for example
to a small landlocked country in Southern Caucasus and testing your skills in a
different environment while trying to make a change. In yourself and in the surroundings. It took me a couple of days to understand that
in Armenia I stand out so much that I shouldn’t try to blend in. No one would
believe. I just needed to stay as I was,
open and straightforward, and people will accept me and my dream to come and
volunteer in Armenia.
So, getting back to my
question (oh, actually it was yours), I didn’t throw a dart into a map to
choose a country to volunteer in. And I
really don’t have any Armenian origins. Everyone was asking so I felt a bit
like I should dig in my family story, but no. Nothing Armenian in it. The idea of coming to Armenia came to me in the
summer of 2011 in Eastern Netherlands when I was volunteering in the center for
asylum seekers. I met there many Armenian immigrants and I found a lot of friends
among them. I loved their hospitality.
One of my best and most cherished memories from Markelo is the rainy afternoon
I spent with two other volunteers having dinner with an Armenian family we had that just that day and they opened their
house to us. Their house, their memories, their stories, their culture. They
made me unbelievably curious. I didn’t know anything about Armenia but I love
the stories I brought from Holland. When I was back home, I started digging. I
brought books about Armenia from the library, I started to listen to Armenian
music, I was spending hours looking at pictures of Armenia. This country seemed
to be amazingly beautiful. I felt like packing and going to the Caucasus. But
not as a tourist. For some reason I wanted to try to live there. I wanted to be
something more than a visitor. Being a volunteer was the best option. I had two
free months. Thanks to Google search I found Armenian Volunteer Corps. And here I came.
My volunteering
placement was a perfect match. I was working in an NGO implementing a project
on migration management regarding circular migrants from Armenia to the European
Union. In Warsaw I work in an NGO supporting third country nationals, and now I
was able to experience the other side of the phenomenon, dealing with migration
management from the perspective of a sending country. I will share more notes
about it with you on the blog in a separate note; stay tuned. It will come very soon.
My homestay was a
perfect match. I enjoyed every single moment with my host sister and host mom.
We were so different and so similar at the same time. And I mean something much
deeper than the fact that we all had a short haircuit which is kind of original
in Armenia. There was much more. I loved
having breakfast with my host sister and joining her and her friends in their
free time to see how young people do things in Yerevan.
Armenia was a perfect
match. I cannot fully explain why. I’ve just fallen in love with this country
and I don’t care how cheesy it sounds.
Not everything was so
ideal. I had many ups and downs. Smaller and bigger cultural shocks. Sometimes
I was really frustrated at work because it was very different from what I’m
used to and from what I expected. But once
I decided to just accept some differences and take everything as it is, dealing
with it became easier. Sometimes I was really tired of being the single
non-Armenian in the area. But it was
enough to repeat ten times to myself that my experience of Armenia is just
mine, it cannot be compared with what anyone else is experiencing and it
doesn’t really matter if I have a surname ending with –yan or not. A
non-Armenian can discover Armenia for himself/herself. I did.
My Armenia is about
people. I met so many great friends in Hayastan. So different, from different
areas, of different ages and backgrounds. All of us came to Armenia to look for
something and we ended up building this “something” together. As the AVC website says, AVC is about making a change. It is.
But we should mention that the most important change is an internal one.
So, I’ve just fallen
in love with this country. I cannot fully explain why. But I can say what the
next step is. If you love someone and
you are 3000 kilometers away all you need is to go back. I cannot tell you all
the details now but everything is planned. I will spend next summer in Armenia.
Using English, we spoke at work, I set up a plan and all I need is a smooth
implementation. (Almost) nothing can stop me now.
I brought back small gifts for my family and
friends. From Armenia with love. A bottle
of pomegranate wine, dried fruits, pottery, Armenian music, jewelry. I didn’t
buy anything for myself but I do have a souvenir. Something that will be with
me always me as a symbol of the change I mentioned in this post. I got a
tattoo. One word in Armenian. Courage, խիզախություն. Something I will need to have to continue what I started in Armenia as
an AVC volunteer in the summer of 2012.
Labels: Armenian Volunteer Corps, AVC, Europe, European volunteer, Poland, Polish volunteer, Yerevan
At 1:05 AM, October 31, 2012,
Señor H said…
Great blog!
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