Hi, I’m a random European
UK, 2013
Well Armenia, what to say. I volunteered because I had two months to do something and the Caucasus looked interesting. I was curious.
At least six people in Yerevan told me I look
Russian. My Slavic friends will find this hilarious. Sometimes I felt uneasy in
Armenia. It is so small, so homogeneous and so isolated. It’s so
preoccupied with its past and with ethnic pride. I am not familiar with any of
these things. Other times I felt very
comfortable in Armenia. I stayed with a lovely host family, easily navigated
myself around and met some wonderful activists.
Armenian Volunteer Corps (AVC) placed me with the ArmenianEnvironmental Network (AEN), an NGO directed by two former AVC volunteers based
in the USA. This was a great place for me. I’d done similar work before and AEN
introduced me to brilliant people. Activists in Yerevan are well connected and
regularly support each other’s campaigns. This seems essential for a society
attempting to balance serious environmental problems with social and political
priorities. I learnt a lot about poverty, domestic violence and corruption in
Armenia and this reminded me that not all societies can ruthlessly prioritise
recycling. It was the reminder I needed and had come to receive.
The Caucasus is a biodiversity hotspot and
Armenia’s environment is extraordinary. I was already concerned about Armenia’s
environment before I arrived – a detached environmental concern. Now I
understand that this land is a Homeland to millions. So much has been
sacrificed to protect it; even now soldiers continue to die along the
Azerbaijan border. Having survived so
many tragedies it is impossible to imagine that mere plastic bottles and
chemical waste could ruin Armenia forever. I hope this can be prevented and I
would recommend any curious reader of this blog to volunteer with AVC and
support the work yourself.
Thank you Armenia for treating me kindly and teaching me something new.
Thank you Armenia for treating me kindly and teaching me something new.

Labels: Armenia, Armenian Volunteer Corps, environment, Europe, European volunteer, international volunteer
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