Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Samuel Kassarjian

Name: Samuel Kassarjian
Age: 24
Hometown: Aleppo, Syria
Started AVC Service: April 2006
7 Days...Travel Agency -- translating marketing materials from English/Armenian to Arabic and Turksih to be used to promote tourists from the Middle East. Tourism has been targeted as one of the most important industries for boosting Armenia's economy.
"Pyunic" Armenian Association for Disabled -- Teaching computer classes to physically handicapped people in hopes that the individuals can take these skills and find work.
David Hotson Architects -- Assisting in creating blue-prints on AUTO-CAD for future plans of building construction in central Yerevan (http://www.hotson.net/). Architecture firms such as David Hotson are investing millions of dollars in the renovation and reconstruction of downtown Yerevan.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Julie Couston
Work Sites:
Yerevan -- Manana Youth Educational Center (http://www.mibanasem.com/ ), Naregatsi Art Institute (http://www.naregatsi.org/ )
Vanadzor -- Solidarité Protestante France-Arménie (www.spfa-armenie.org).
I have begun my volunteering in Yerevan during 2 months. My job in Manana consisted in working with a group of students who were translating the association website into French. The website presents small texts written by teenagers who want to learn journalism. It has been a great experience because while correcting the translations, I have learnt a lot about Armenia and the way young people think here. In Naregatsi I was doing fundraising for the art gallery that, until then, was funded only by one philanthropic Armenian of the US. We are still waiting for the outcomes of the work i.e. whether our proposals to other fundraising sources have been successful. Anyway, working there is a chance for any volunteer interested in Armenian culture to attend any form of art :concerts, movies, exhibitions, dance performances etc.
After this experience in Yerevan, I have decided to move in the regions for my works to have a greater impact. I am now in Vanadzor (3rd largest city in Armenia, 2 hours north of Yerevan) with SPFA, I am doing French classes and I am trying to strengthen the links between France and Armenia. It is very important, especially this year, since France celebrates the cultural year of Armenia.
During my stay in Armenia, I have been living in host families. I think it is part of the cultural trip. My host families were very very hospitable and helpful. Also, they were patient when I couldn’t understand what they were talking about (I have learnt the language here). See the picture of me and my host brother in Yerevan.
Other Projects: I am writing a blog in French with more details about my experience in Armenia and a link to my pictures : www.julicou.over-blog.com. You are more than welcome to visit it and write comments.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Raffi Kortoshian

Name: Raffi Kortoshian
Age: 27
Hometown: Aleppo, Syria
Started AVC service: April 2006
Worksite: Translating historical documents from Turkish to Armenian to be used in archiving and documenting historical Armenian monuments, churches, historical sites, khatchkars and architecture at Research on Armenian Architecture (RAA) NGO. Visit the interactive searchable database: http://www.armenianarchitecture.am/public/search.php
Sophia Malkasian
Age: 33
Hometown: Washington, DC
Started AVC volunteer service: June 2005 (almost 1 year!)
Worksites: Live and work in Getap Village (2 hours south of Yerevan) with Heifer International (http://www.hpi.am/)
Come Move Mountains

This is an open forum for our volunteers to post photos, describe the work and activities they engage in, and include their reflections on daily life as a volunteer in Armenia.
For more information about the program, please visit www.armenianvoluneer.org or to request an application, send an email info@avc.am.
Bari yegak (welcome), and we hope you'll join us soon.
Shad cherm barevnerov,
Anoush Tatevossian
Armenian Volunteer Corps
62 Hanrapetutyan st., apt. 108
Yerevan, Armenia
(374 10) 54-00-37